Global Big Brother

Published: 9th August 2013
Updated: 9th February 2104 (adding paragraph near bottom of article)

The Implications Of The Snowden Revelations

In simple terms, Edward Snowden, a brave and courageous US whistleblower, revealed that the NSA, FBI, and possibly CIA, other secretive security and surveillance agencies, etc – herein collectively referred to the ‘security surveillance agencies’, have been intercepting and storing billions of communications of citizens all around the globe – they have been spying on the ordinary day to day communications and activities of the ordinary citizens of many nations – of as many nations as possible.

While the media and the authorities, not only in the USA but elsewhere, are determined to focus all the attention on Edward Snowden, for obvious reasons, the full implications and threat to every citizen in the world from the security surveillance agencies has been sidelined and ignored – in most cases very purposely so.

There are a few very important aspects surrounding this surveillance which every citizen needs to be aware of. It is just a case of joining-the-dots and seeing the bigger picture. This should raise the danger level, to critical, in the minds of all citizens everywhere. This cannot be ignored – for if it is, the citizens and future generations are the ones going to pay a heavy price. Read more of this post

Why Some Nations Are In Decline

It is obvious to many people that nations like the USA are in decline, with its financial system crumbling and its political system so corrupt that it is widely acknowledged as being so even by its own citizens, while other nations are becoming stronger and growing even in these economic hard times. I think the main reason is down to the fact that the USA is NOT a true democracy, plain and simple.

But before people rub their eyes and think they have misread the last sentence I should explain that the present political system in the US is NOT democratic, in any real sense, but is as I would describe, as being a Feudal Democracy which is as far from real democracy as real democracy is from a dictatorship. In fact Feudal Democracy is in effect a dictatorship.

This is where the problem lies Read more of this post

Feudal Democracy Divides And Conquers Citizens

* encourages and conditions citizens to think small
* encourages citizens to act like passive serfs
* encourages citizens to be a divided society
* actually rewards citizens who think selfishly

Feudal-Democracy not only destroys the concept that the Nation is the collection of all the citizens at its heart, but also reinforces the idea that the Nation is an entity which is totally distinct from the citizens themselves and its purpose is to RULE OVER, and control the citizens. It is certainly not in place to free them or empower them. Read more of this post

Bertie Ahern To Get Increase In His Pension Soon

Good News For Bertie Ahern

Things are certainly looking up for Bertie Ahern!

Bertie Ahern was the man at the helm, the leader of the Fianna Fáil political party, who led Ireland down the road to economic bankruptcy in the 1990s and 2000s, but soon may be rubbing his hands together and looking forward to an increase in his pension. Read more of this post

Start The US Revolution With A Pencil On Election Day 2012

Use your choice to make a political statement.


How To Use Your Vote


In A Feudal Democracy


Make YOUR Political Statement


Citizens Of The USA
Partake In A Declaration Of Independence
From Government Oppression 2012


Please note:
I appreciate that most blogs are short – a few sentences (usually quotes), a few links, a re-blog of someone else’s blog, and a link to someone else’s youtube video and often nothing new to say at all (this can be good sometimes – passing the message on). Unfortunately, especially in this instance, sometimes my blogs have to be a bit long but what I am proposing cannot be said, explained and argued, in just a few sentences. (Also, alas, I am no author of prose!). Please read it ALL before coming to any conclusion or decision.

Also please note: Any democracy without a Constitution ie not a Republic, is merely mob rule, so I am always referring to a democracy within the framework of a Republic (some Americans are very touchy on that subject).

If you agree with the following proposals – SPREAD THE WORD.
If you do not agree with the following proposals – SPREAD THE WORD – and let others decide for themselves.


I hope to show that there IS a way that citizens can use the election process senseably and to have their voice heard in a smart but unusual way – to perhaps take the first step in a democratic revolution. How do you start a revolution – BY REJECTING THE PRESENT POLITICAL POWER STRUCTURE which is in place. Read more of this post