Why Politicians Always Kick Problems Down The Road

Flaws Of Western (Feudal) Democracy

Do You Ever Ask Yourself:

Why Do Politicians Remain Calm When Their Nation Is Facing Financial Armageddon?


Why Do Politicians Always Kick ‘The Can’ Down The Road?


original: 10th July 2012
updated: 13th March 2014 (re-edited, and new paragraph)


(new paragraphs – added near the bottom of document)

The British NHS Giveaway



The reason for writing this series of political articles is to highlight flaws in our Feudal Democracy political system (#ShamDemocracy) and to also show the changes required to improve the future of politics. Every one of you reading these articles (blogs) need to start questioning the political system under which you are oppressed.

It is necessary and proper to make citizens aware of the swindling and corruption within present so-called democracies – many blogs, and alternative satellite stations do that (the scandal sheets) – but what is even more important is to pinpoint the failings in the political system itself which CAUSED and ALLOWED the political situation to become so criminal and dysfunctional – to the detriment of the citizens. If the political system itself is not changed these failings will continue for generations.


Fundamental Flaw Of Feudal Democracy – Temporary Decision Makers

Democracy or, in truth, this feudal democracy – this sham democracy – we are oppressed by, has only been in place in its present form in most Nations in the West, the USA, Australia etc, for a short while; two hundred years and, in many cases, a lot less. It, as such, is an uncontrolled and for the most part an un-designed experiment, and there is no doubt about it, after a short (historically speaking) period of time it has shown itself as being a thorough failure as regards ensuring the wellbeing and freedom of the citizens – those whom it promises to protect.

Feudal Democracy is a hierarchical political system where the elite, at the top, rule the citizens. They also control and waste the wealth created by those at the bottom. They  make the decisions regardless of the negative effects these have upon those at the bottom; and the peasant citizens, at the bottom, have no real say at all, even during elections.

One of the most fundamental flaws with the present system is a simple one. Those at the top – the politicians – our feudal lords, are in positions of authority. These positions are temporary. Despite the fact that every citizen knows this to be the case, they unquestioningly accept it because the nature of the herd instinct accepts the status quo, as if the political arrangement in place was the only rational method of political organisation.

The temporary nature of the political appointments in government is a flaw of such proportions that there is one political and financial truth which cannot be altered without altering the political system itself – ALL feudal democracies will eventually fail.

And why? Because the political system ENCOURAGES politicians to kick the can down the road, and like a snowball which may start as a controllable small object, even on a slope, after awhile can become so large that it becomes unmanageable, out of control and unstoppable.

This political power arrangement suits the politicians extremely well but is devasting to the wellbeing of the citizens, in the long run. Let me explain. Read more of this post